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How to get a category B driving license in Warsaw step by step? Driving school „Lauto” explains how to get a license in simple steps and enjoy safety on the road

Driving school „Lauto” explains how to get a driving license in simple steps and enjoy safety on the road

When the head of a driving school from Warsaw set off in his Elka to pick up his trainees, he did not expect that an unusual situation would happen to him on the way. When he was approaching the agreed place, he suddenly heard the sound of sirens behind him.

It turned out to be an unmarked police car. It became clear that the instructor had committed some kind of traffic violation. The worst thing was that it happened in front of the students he was supposed to be teaching about proper and safe driving.

The instructor had almost sunk into the driver’s seat. Now he was trying to recreate the last meters of the route he had driven and the critical places where he could have committed an offense. But unfortunately he was unable to remember when he had committed the offense.

What offense did the instructor commit and what was his punishment? More on that in a moment. First, let’s answer the question of how to get your license in the capital step by step.

Step one: paperwork. A driving school from Warsaw suggests what formalities you need to complete before starting a category B course

The first step to start a category B course is to obtain a PKK number. A Polish citizen or a foreigner who has been in Poland for at least 6 months and has a document confirming legal residence in our homeland can sign up for the training.

To obtain a PKK number we need:

  • medical examination;
  • residential address (permanent or temporary registration);
  • driving license photos;
  • ID card, residence card or passport.

Schools will be happy to help you get a medical examination, as well as fill out an application for a driving license. All of the above documents can be submitted in person to the City Hall, specifically to the Department of Communication. Once you have a PKK number, you can start your course at OSK.

Step two: theoretical course. Driving school from Warsaw explains how the lectures for category B are conducted

Theoretical classes include 30 teaching hours of 45 minutes each, i.e. a total of 22 clock hours.

What types of courses do driver training centers offer?

  • Afternoon course, 2 weeks . In our OSK it is a cycle of 4 lectures, which take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays or Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:30 p.m.
  • Weekend course . In our center, theory includes 2 lectures: on Saturday and Sunday, which last from 9:00 to 18:00.
  • 2-weekend course . In our school, theory is taught over 2 weekends (Saturday, Sunday). During this course, the entire scope of material is taught over 4 days: on the first weekend from 9:00 to 13:00, and on the next weekend from 13:00 to 17:30.
  • Online course . It is characterized by online lectures, which – as the name suggests – can be taken at any time and place. Usually, the price of this course includes the possibility of consulting with a lecturer.
  • Individual course . This is an offer for those students who cannot attend lectures on the dates proposed by the center.

It is worth knowing that each course includes first aid classes , which last 4 teaching hours.

The internal theory exam is held after the entire course has been completed. However, it is possible to pass the state theory exam before the course has ended. In this way, the student is automatically exempted from the OSK exam. In our center, the price of the course includes 5 attempts at the internal theory exam, and the exam itself takes place in our lecture hall. Students sign up for it in our office or by phone.

Step three: practical course. Driving school from Warsaw explains how driving for category B is carried out

What types of practical courses do driving schools offer?

  • Basic course . It includes 30 clock hours of driving.
  • Extended course . It includes 40 clock hours of driving.
  • Course in a car with manual transmission . This is a basic course on a Hyundai I20, i.e. on the same vehicle that is used in the WORD exam.
  • Course in an automatic . You can also choose a car with an automatic transmission. However, you should bear in mind that when choosing an automatic on the course, the exam in WORD will also be taken in the same car, and the driving license will be limited only to driving cars with a clutch pedal.

For example, in our OSK we train in a new Toyota CHR on an automatic vehicle, equipped with many of the most modern safety systems: front and rear parking sensors, a reversing camera, warnings about cars approaching from the side when parking and when changing lanes.

  • VIP Intensive Course . It includes daily rides to complete the course as quickly as possible (even in 15 days!).

In our center, we operate in such a way that the student states his/her time possibilities, and together with him/her we agree on the places and dates of the classes. We arrange driving lessons 7 days a week from 6:00 to 22:00 throughout Warsaw. We meet in convenient transport locations for everyone, which include various metro stations or places of state exams.

In this way, we prepare our students to take the exam in one of the two Warsaw WORDs, near which our maneuvering grounds are located. Cancellation of classes can only take place with 24 hours’ notice, otherwise the classes are lost, which involves the need to buy additional lessons.

At the end of the course we conduct an internal exam, which is a simulation of the state exam. During it we do all the tasks as in the exam :

  • maneuvering area;
  • parking;
  • turning around;
  • vehicle service;
  • getting ready to ride.

After the exam, we discuss its course and express an opinion on whether the student’s skills are sufficient to pass the WORD exam. If not yet, we recommend additional lessons. It is worth mentioning that students who have passed the internal exam often try to drive once a week while waiting for the exam. Thanks to this, they gain constant contact with the car and increase their experience behind the wheel…

Step four: theory in WORD. A driving school from Warsaw explains how the theoretical driving test is conducted

Here is some useful information about the theoretical exam in WORD:

  • Typically the exam itself is 95% the same as the course;
  • you must show an ID with a photo;
  • we are entitled to a trial test which lasts 5 minutes and allows us to familiarize ourselves with the operation of a computer;
  • we receive the result immediately after the exam;
  • it is worth familiarizing yourself with our incorrect answers.

Step five: practice in WORD. Driving school from Warsaw explains how the practical driving test is conducted

We sign up for the state exam after completing the course. We can do it in two ways: via the website or in person at WORD (a few days of waiting).

The practical exam starts with a check of the candidate’s identity, so a passport or ID card is required. First, there are tasks on the maneuvering ground, then a trip to the city.

How does the practical exam work in WORD?

  • Vehicle maintenance : fluids and lights.
  • Preparation for driving : seat, mirrors and seat belts, and dipped or daytime running lights (depending on the weather).
  • Driving in a lane : we do not drive over lines or posts, the drive is smooth, and the stop occurs in envelopes with the whole car. In addition, a second attempt is possible, and the maneuver itself is performed by watching the road in the mirrors and necessarily in the rear window.
  • Starting on a hill : stop at the place designated by the examiner and pull the handbrake. Then accelerate, release the clutch and start driving. It is possible
  • repeating the task.
  • We head into the city : we have to park once and turn around.

What else should we know about the practical exam at WORD?

  • The exam in Warsaw is taken in a Hyundai I20 or in our center’s car.
  • If we take the automatic exam, we must use our OSK’s car.
  • If the exam result is negative, we register for the next one in exactly the same way as for the first one.
  • Once we pass the exam, we wait to collect our driving license.

Step six: pick up your license. Driving school from Warsaw explains when you can pick up your license

Once we pass the exam at WORD, we go to the City Office to pay the fee, which is 100 PLN and 50 gr. After two days, our license is listed in the mObywatel system. This is a temporary, electronic license. After 2-3 weeks, we collect the plastic license at the City Office.

Step seven: Polish roads. A driving school from Warsaw suggests what to do to enjoy safe driving on Polish roads

Just because we get our license doesn’t mean we’re drivers with a capital „D”. This is just the beginning of our learning. If we want to call ourselves „experienced drivers”, we should have driven at least 40,000 kilometers, or around the world along the equator. Until that happens, let’s treat ourselves as people in learning mode, who should drive calmly and carefully, without recklessness.

Finally, let’s return to the story from the first paragraph. The instructor was driving to the agreed place and suddenly heard the sound of sirens. So he pulled into the lay-by and blushed with shame in front of his students. When he rolled down his window and got his ID ready, a traffic policeman approached him and said:

— Please don’t worry, you haven’t committed any offense. I simply once took a course at the „Lauto” driving school in Warsaw and I wanted to thank you, not only for the great preparation for being a driver, but also for igniting in me a passion for motoring!

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Warsaw Driving School Ranking: TOP 7 best Driving Schools in 2024

If you want to get a driving license, choose a driving school that will not only prepare you for the exam, but also teach you how to drive safely on Polish roads and in Warsaw.”

Ania heard the above words from her uncle, a professional driver, when she decided to get a category B driving license. The license was supposed to make her life easier, because she both studied and gave private lessons, traveling to the homes of students scattered in different parts of the city.

Her uncle deliberately didn’t recommend any center to her, because he knew that Anka had a difficult character and would blame him, as the main advisor in choosing the course, for any possible failure of the exam. He left only this one tip, that it should be a center that not only prepares for the exam, but also teaches safe driving. What decision did the girl make?

Before we answer this question, let’s get to know the golden list of the 7 best OSK in our city. This is not a list from best to worst or vice versa; each of the listed centers is equally good and deserves the same trust…

1. Driver Training Center „Prosto”

Great people work there who really know what they’re doing. There’s a friendly atmosphere, people are open and helpful. The student, after a few hours of driving, chooses the car and the instructor.

Thanks to their individual approach to the student, instructors can teach how to drive a car, and a positive exam result is just a side effect of their efforts. Instructors catch mistakes during driving and help students to eliminate them.

After the course and exam, many students have the following question in their heads: „But how? I won’t come here anymore?” In addition, the students of this OSK have no fear of getting behind the wheel on their own after receiving their license…

2. „Women’s Driving School”

This is the best choice for nervous and scared students who cry behind the wheel while driving. Great instructors who approach their work with passion and vocation will bring peace and a positive atmosphere, helpful in quickly acquiring knowledge.

The instructors will draw and explain all the maneuvers step by step. They will even correct the mistakes that some students bring from other centers where they previously trained.

They explain everything without stress and unnecessary comments, which makes it easier to quickly master all maneuvers. Thanks to them, students not only improve their driving technique, but also learn logical thinking on the road, which affects the fluidity and safety of driving.

3. Driving school „Gazelka”

It is impossible not to notice her cars in the city, because she has the most instructors in Warsaw. Great contact with the center, many available dates to arrange driving lessons and a flexible approach to students are the advantages that the clients of this center value the most.

The instructors are patient, friendly and objective. They provide a friendly atmosphere during driving lessons, without stress, but with lots of practical advice useful when driving.

It is therefore not surprising that this approach means that passing the exam on the first attempt is often not a problem, because after such a course, students feel very well prepared, which translates into a lack of stress during the exam itself.

4. Driving school „Imola”

This OSK from Warsaw can teach more in 10 hours of driving than another center in 30 hours. In addition, this school guarantees various bonuses from time to time, such as additional driving hours for online payments or discounts, the contact with its office is excellent, and the driving hours are available to everyone.

The instructors provide the highest level of training, they are very committed and persistent. They teach you to think and properly assess the situation on the road. They approach each student individually, choosing learning methods to suit their personality.

They remain calm even when the engine keeps stalling on the first ride. Both during and after the rides they always explain any mistakes and give tips on how to avoid them in the future.

5. Driving school „Linia”

This driving school is located close to the Warsaw City Hall and offers many benefits for students: driving on exam routes, text messages reminding about driving lessons, the ability to quickly change their dates and, above all, it teaches how to drive, not just how to pass the exam.

The instructors are excellent at imparting knowledge and not only prepare you to pass the exam, but also teach you how to move safely and wisely on Polish roads. Sharing their experience, they go beyond the bookish patterns and impart knowledge in a clear, precise, composed and pleasant way.

6. Driving school „Expert”

OSK „Expert” provides care and friendly service to students from Warsaw at every stage of contact, so you can feel comfortable and complete the course without stress. The ladies from the office arrange rides for the student and are happy to help with various matters.

Theory lectures are conducted in such a way that students lose track of time and even if the classes last the whole day (which happens during the weekend course), they are not exhausting.

Theory and practice are well organized and planned, and the atmosphere is pleasant. Great instructors can make it so that in less than 3-4 months of driving you can learn to drive safely and efficiently and pass your driving test at the first attempt.

7. Driving school „Lauto”

In „Lauto” they really teach how to drive, and not just prepare for the exam in Warsaw. Students stop being afraid of the car and themselves behind the wheel. The availability of driving lessons both in the morning and afternoon hours makes things much easier.

The lady who teaches theory is very nice, she can explain the knowledge clearly and objectively. The instructors are professionals through and through – they focus on developing good habits on the road, they teach smart and safe driving, they explain everything precisely and give tips that are later useful during the exam.

They can answer all, even the most complicated questions and do it in a simple and understandable way. The rides are held in a pleasant atmosphere and with good music (or in silence, as you prefer), and if necessary, also in English.

All this makes the student feel that he or she has significantly improved his or her skills, thanks to which he or she can confidently and fearlessly take the exam, which – as is often the case – he or she passes on the first attempt.

Which OSK is the best in Warsaw?

As we mentioned earlier, we won’t answer this question. At most, we can reveal which resort Anka chose.

The girl not only took her uncle’s advice to heart, but also raised the stakes and added her own expectation, namely that this center would offer high-quality training at a very good price. Although the task seemed daunting, the girl achieved her goal: she found such an OSK and started a course there.

Since Anka had never sat behind the wheel, her first drives were on quiet streets. Thanks to this, she was able to familiarize herself with the specifics of driving a car: starting, braking, changing gears and stopping without unnecessary stress.

Soon she set off into the city. She took the course seriously. She listened to the instructor’s advice, but also asked a lot of questions on topics that were unclear to her. To her surprise, the instructor answered them all off the top of his head, explaining in a factual and clear way the complicated issues that were keeping her awake at night.

Although Anka initially confused the gas pedal with the brake and had a hard time changing gears as if she was driving a tractor, she soon mastered the art of smart and safe driving, a side effect of which was passing her driving test at WORD , and on her first attempt!

Today, the girl recommends to all her friends the course at the „Lauto” driving school from Warsaw , to which she owes her life, because more than once – thanks to the skills acquired during the course – she cleverly got out of a dangerous situation on the road…

How long does a category B course take in Warsaw? Driving school „Lauto” reveals how long it takes to get a license in the capital

Sylvie increasingly found himself browsing through another category B course offer at a driving school in Warsaw during work hours. He was fed up with his job, which was becoming an increasingly unpleasant experience for him with each passing day.

The job offers he was interested in included a mandatory condition, namely having a category B driving license. The boy wanted to go on a course, but he was unable to do it after hours. After work, he was only able to eat something and end up in the bedroom…

One day, the cup of bitterness overflowed. When the boss called him in and dragged him through the mud, Sylvie repaid him by throwing his notice on the desk. The boy decided to take a risk – he quit his job and started a course to get a better job thanks to his driving license.

The problem was that his savings were only enough to cover the course at driving school and a month of living in the capital. Not wanting to get into debt, he decided to apply for his dream job and get his driving license in 30 days.

Did the boy manage to achieve this goal? More on that in a moment. Let’s first find out how long it takes to get a driver’s license in the capital.

How long does a theoretical course at a driving school in Warsaw last?

Theoretical course for category B lasts from 3 days to 3 weeks . According to the regulation, 30 hours of 45 minutes are planned for training. This legal act does not specify the time frame in which it should be completed.

So the intensity of the training depends on the time predispositions of the trainee and the form of the course. If the trainee takes the online training, it will fit in 3 days. If he uses lectures in the driving school room, the time will be extended to 2 or even 3 weeks.

How long does a practical category B course take at a driving school in Warsaw?

We will answer like a professional lawyer: it depends. However, we are talking about a range of 2 to 10 weeks.

According to the regulation, the minimum course time is 30 hours of 60 minutes behind the wheel. Here, too, the regulation does not specify in what time frame these hours should be driven.

Generally speaking, the time it takes a student to become proficient in driving a car depends on:

  • the quality of the course offered by the centre;
  • natural predispositions of the student;
  • student involvement;
  • availability of the student.

The intensive course will last from 2 to 4 weeks. The standard course will last between 3 and 10 weeks. Some students will learn to drive smoothly in the required 30 hours on the road, others will have to buy additional courses.

How many hours a day can a student drive at a driving school in Warsaw?

For the first 8 hours, it is recommended that each ride lasts 2 hours 60 minutes. During subsequent rides, the time can be extended to 3 hours 60 minutes. However, the vast majority of people prefer 2-hour rides.

Why do students prefer 2-hour driving lessons? Well, because it is the optimal time in terms of concentration. In two hours, you will learn better and avoid frustration resulting from increasing mistakes due to fatigue. You have to understand that driving a car on Polish streets can be a stressful activity that requires concentration.

Therefore, 2-hour rides will allow for the optimal completion of the course, because then the student will maintain concentration. In addition, the golden rule of learning is that it is better to do less but more often than less often but more…

What to do to complete a category B course at a driving school in Warsaw as soon as possible?

Here is a list of practical tips that will significantly speed up obtaining a driving license in the capital. It is worth making sure that:

  • choose a great driving school that offers a high-quality course;
  • obtain a PKK number in advance;
  • do the theory yourself at home or online;
  • pass the theory during practical classes;
  • immediately after completing the basic course (30 hours of driving), register for the practical exam;
  • demonstrate availability, especially between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.;
  • choose a course in winter or spring, when centres have more free places in their schedules;
  • put your heart and soul into the course, which will hopefully allow you to pass your exam on your first attempt, which will speed up getting your driving license.

After what time does a driving course expire?

The good news is that the course is valid for up to 15 years. The bad news is that it may expire earlier due to major program changes that will be introduced by the minister’s regulation. For example, 20 hours of driving were once mandatory, and now it is 30 hours. As a result of such changes, the course may become time-barred…

How long does the WORD category B exam take?

Theory in WORD takes up to 25 minutes . Practice usually lasts from 25 to 50 minutes .

This distribution of practice time results from the fact that the regulation specifies only the minimum exam time, which is the aforementioned 25 minutes. If the student completes all the required tasks on the road, the examiner has the right to end the exam after 25 minutes.

However, the regulation does not specify the maximum duration of the exam, only that it lasts until the student successfully completes all required tasks. So realistically, it may take 50 minutes…

How long does it take to complete all the formalities related to a driving license?

Things like: a photo, registration, medical examination or filing an application for PKK can be done in one day. Life likes to surprise, so it is worth setting aside two days for this. It would be a good idea to arrange a medical examination in advance.

What to do to get your driving license as quickly as possible?

The key to success here is AVAILABILITY. Thanks to it, when you have a lot of free time, you can afford lessons at available times, i.e. those when other students are at school or at work.

You can then also take care of the efficiency of the course by doing it with great frequency, e.g. 3 or 5 times a week for 2 hours of driving, so that the student does not feel tired. In addition, when the course is done during the day and not after a hard day’s work, knowledge is absorbed much faster.

Is it possible to complete a driving school course and get a driving license in Warsaw in a month?

Of course, yes! To illustrate this, let’s go back to the story of the student from the first paragraph. Namely, Sylwek had to learn how to drive in a month, otherwise he would have ended up on the streets.

To achieve this, the boy developed a quick action plan that included the following points:

  • choose a great OSK that will not only prepare you for the WORD exam, but also for safe driving on Polish roads and will offer an accelerated course;
  • urgently go to WORD and register for the theory exam and prepare for it yourself;
  • drive 3 hours every day, Monday through Friday, and take weekends off to think about your mistakes;
  • engage in learning, read every day, do exam tests, ask questions to the instructor, listen to him and learn from your mistakes;
  • after completing the required 30 hours of driving, immediately register for the practical exam at the WORD window;
  • purchase additional driving hours to prepare for work behind the wheel of a company car.

It is worth mentioning that Sylvie rode for 3 hours a day, but it was his only activity during the day, so he did not feel so tired and did not make many mistakes, because he started riding before noon, well-rested.

In the end, his commitment, putting everything on one card, putting his heart into learning and choosing the „Lauto” driving school from Warsaw made him pass all the exams at WORD at the first attempt and when he went to the job interview, he already had his driving license in his pocket. Thanks to this, he got his dream job in a company that respected its employees and offered a decent salary.

Warsaw driving school
How to pass your WORD exam on your first try? The Lauto driving school from Warsaw explains how to get your driving license in the capital city in no time

Two friends, Mary and Marta, went to a driving school in Warsaw, but each chose a different school. The first one was guided by the idea of ​​not only passing at the first attempt, but also learning how to drive safely.

Marta chose the driving school that offered a category B course at a great price. She teased Marys that she was overpaying, spending more for the same. So when Marys passed first, she threw in some money to help her friend: she paid for two hours of driving before the exam in WORD at her driving school.

And that ride almost ended in disaster, due to Marta’s fault. Right after leaving WORD, Marta, turning left at the first intersection, chose the leftmost lane out of six, which meant she headed against traffic towards the bus stop.

To put it mildly, this feat did not bode well for the girl passing on her first attempt like Marys. And yet… She passed just like her friend and even made fun of her because she spent much less on the course.

How did the fates of both girls behind the wheel turn out? More on that in a moment. First, let’s answer the question of how to pass on your first attempt in the capital…

  1. The Lauto driving school from Warsaw explains how to prepare for the theoretical exam at WORD

Here’s how to pass your theory test on your first try:

  • you should do what will be on the exam, i.e. solve tests. It is important to do it not in exam mode, but in learning mode, where we choose sets of questions ourselves and do not come across the same questions;
  • it pays off to choose a good application that can indicate the reason for an incorrect answer and provide a comprehensive explanation of a given issue. In it, we will mark questions that cause us problems, and then we will return to them until we succeed;
  • it is worth learning by sections. Thanks to this we will gain a comparison of similar questions. This will make learning easier, because we will understand the pattern of questions and answers;
  • learning is most effective when we learn the most difficult questions. Both the most difficult and the highest scoring.
  1. Driving school „Lauto” from Warsaw explains how to prepare for the practical exam in WORD

Here are some helpful tips that can help you master the practice on your first try:

  • when we are about to take the first exam, it is worth asking the instructor to assess our level of preparation, and then discuss with him and try to understand the mistakes from the previous lessons;
  • when it is another exam, we need to analyze our last exam. Since it was very close to passing, it should be easier next time. If we learn the right lessons from failure, our chances will increase significantly;
  • a good move is to schedule a single lesson to refresh your knowledge. Driving just before the WORD exam is particularly important, as it can be a good warm-up;
  • let’s be honest: not everyone is properly prepared for the exam after the basic course. Sometimes more driving lessons than the required 30 hours on the road are needed. If the instructor suggests buying additional lessons, then you should probably do so to avoid failure in the WORD;
  • the effectiveness of the course is influenced by regularity. It is worth remembering this just before the exam. Instead of driving every day for five days just before the exam, it is better to spread everything out in time. By devoting two to three weeks to this, we will gain: more relaxation, no pressure before the upcoming exam and time to analyze the last lessons;
  • practice makes perfect. In other words: if you want to learn to drive a car, you have to drive. You can’t learn it from a textbook. To drive efficiently on Polish roads, you need more driving than the statutory 30 hours…
  1. Driving school „Lauto” from Warsaw explains what time of day is best to take the practical test to increase your chances of passing

Although there is no clear answer to this question, let us present some facts that may be helpful in choosing the right time for the course.

First of all, traffic is the most dynamic in the morning. This is because everyone is rushing to work. Its intensity decreases after 10:00, and also in the evening, after 19:00.

Secondly, unfortunately, little traffic is not always a plus when it comes to the WORD exam. Sometimes it is to the advantage of the students when there is more traffic.

Here are some examples of when more traffic can work to our advantage:

  • a student is driving on an empty street during the exam. Unfortunately, she didn’t look at the sign, so she doesn’t know what kind of street it is: one-way or maybe two-way. She is instructed to turn left at the intersection. She didn’t choose the left lane for the turn, because it seemed to her that it was a two-way street. Meanwhile, it was a one-way street, so she should have chosen the left lane…
  • The trainee was driving on an empty street and — oh my! — he didn’t notice the „STOP” sign. It was only the examiner who pressed the brake and thus ended the test. If there had been traffic at that intersection, the trainee might have noticed the cars driving and stopped in front of the thick, continuous line…

So when is the best time to take the exam? Well, when you were taking the course… This is because the student is used to the weather conditions and traffic that they had during the course, so it will be easier for them to cope with them during the exam.

  1. Driving school „Lauto” from Warsaw explains how to control stress before the practical exam to avoid making stupid mistakes

It’s worth being aware that stress and fear are not bad things. We all experience them. However, as the classic said: a hero differs from a coward in that he doesn’t give in to them.

So how do you deal with them? Here are some suggestions:

  • conversation with a good psychologist;
  • use of dietary supplements;
  • eating more vegetables and less meat, potatoes and legumes;
  • quitting smoking or limiting coffee drinking;
  • more movement and less couch surfing;
  • going to bed two hours before midnight;
  • eating meals two hours before bedtime;
  • turning off smartphone and computer screens two hours before bed;
  • assess your chances of passing with the instructor and only then register for the exam.
  1. The Lauto driving school from Warsaw explains what characterizes or what students who pass their driving test on their first attempt do.

The situation is as follows: only 20% of people are ready for the WORD exam after the basic course.

Only 20% of students take the exam prepared. By prepared, we mean that the student makes only two serious mistakes per hour during the exam simulation with the instructor.

The rest of the students treat the exam like a lottery: maybe they will pass, maybe not…

What makes a student pass on their first attempt? Here are the success factors:

  • great OSK and great instructors;
  • good genes, natural predispositions;
  • great determination in learning.

The most important factors are the first and the third. So we can say that the issue of passing a driving test is definitely up to us, our efforts and wise choices…

How to pass WORD exams on your first try?

Let’s go back to the story of the students from the first paragraph. Both girls passed on their first try… and that’s where the similarity between them ends. Namely, Marysia felt like a fish in water behind the wheel, unlike Marta.

The latter got her driver’s license and loaded the whole family into the car for their first ride together. She took her family to WORD and made the same mistake as before: she drove with them against traffic, almost causing a heart attack in her mother.

From that day on, Marta stopped driving. And it would have stayed that way, if not for Marysia, who convinced her to buy driving lessons at the „Lauto” driving school in Warsaw . Thanks to this, Marta learned to drive safely and overcame her fear of driving. Now the girl whizzes around the capital and has no problem distinguishing one-way streets from two-way ones.

Toyota CHR in Driving school Lauto

We obtain a PKK number.

Obtaining a driving license may not be a complicated procedure, but it does require careful consideration. First of all, it is important to familiarize yourself with the necessary formalities related to obtaining a license. It is equally important to choose a driver training center that will properly prepare you for the state exam. Currently, people who meet the minimum age requirements for a specific driving license category can apply for a driving license. In the case of category B, it is 17 years and 9 months. A foreigner who has been staying in Poland for at least 6 months and has a document confirming legal residence in Poland can take part in the driving course. The process begins with a visit to a medical examiner who will conduct a thorough examination of the candidate. Upon successful completion of the examination, the doctor will issue a medical certificate.

If you need a doctor certified to perform driver examinations, you have several options. One of the possibilities is a consultation with a general practitioner who may have the necessary qualifications (ASSOCIATED DOCTOR). If your doctor does not have the required certifications, he or she will likely be able to recommend someone who does. Another option is to search for a qualified doctor online, providing your location to ensure accurate results. Additionally, if you already know that you are choosing our driver training center, you can contact us in advance for help in organizing the exam. Our driving school has partnered with doctors and can help make this process easier. The current cost of this test is PLN 200. When applying for a PKK number, it will be necessary to present a document confirming a decision stating that there are no medical contraindications to driving. If you want to be sure of accuracy, it is recommended to visit a professional photographer. The photo needed to obtain a driving license should show you without a hat and wearing glasses with tinted lenses. The head should be positioned so that the left half of the profile, including the left ear, is clearly visible.

In the case of people with congenital or acquired vision defects, taking photos with glasses is allowed. However, it is necessary for the identification document to include an equivalent photograph of a person wearing corrective glasses. If you choose to wear a head covering in accordance with your religious beliefs, it is acceptable to wear it in the photo as long as your face is visible. However, it is necessary to add an alternative photo to your ID document, which includes headgear. To continue the application process and create a Driver Candidate Profile, persons wishing to become drivers must visit the transportation department corresponding to their location of residence. All required documents must be submitted in this section. This will enable candidates to enroll in a driving course offered by their preferred center.

We help in completing the necessary documents. Information meeting on Saturdays at 10 a.m. As well as an on-call medical examiner, the cost of the examination is PLN 200. Reservation by phone 698 535 181.


At our Lauto school, we consistently prove every day that the experience of learning to drive does not have to be plagued by unjustified anxiety. Thanks to our many years of experience in driver training, extensive knowledge and patience, openness, understanding and a carefree approach, our instructors are specialists in providing productive driving lessons in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

This diverse range includes both vehicles with manual transmission, which are used during the state exam, and vehicles with automatic transmission, which facilitate learning by eliminating the need to change gears. Each of our cars is brand new, carefully maintained and regularly serviced to ensure conditions conducive to comfortable and safe training.

Are you interested in learning more about the various courses and driving experiences offered by our renowned driving school? You can ask our competent consultant by contacting us by phone or sending us a written message.



LAUTO driving school enjoys the highest recognition among graduates who not only completed the driving course, but also triumphed in the exam. These people use the Internet to express their favorable feelings, which is a powerful source of inspiration for us to constantly improve our teaching methods and confirms their effectiveness.

In the Masovian Voivodeship, LAUTO has established itself as a reliable driving school. The core of our driving school is a group of qualified instructors who are passionate about learning category B driving. The students’ success can be attributed to the instructors’ unwavering professionalism, extensive specialist knowledge, exceptional skills and unwavering commitment.

To suit your schedule and ensure a hassle-free start to your car journey, we introduce new services every other weekend, with the next service starting on Saturday. Become part of our community of satisfied students and improve your driving skills under the professional supervision of experienced category B drivers.