How to pass your WORD exam on your first try? The Lauto driving school from Warsaw explains how to get your driving license in the capital city in no time
Two friends, Mary and Marta, went to a driving school in Warsaw, but each chose a different school. The first one was guided by the idea of not only passing at the first attempt, but also learning how to drive safely.
Marta chose the driving school that offered a category B course at a great price. She teased Marys that she was overpaying, spending more for the same. So when Marys passed first, she threw in some money to help her friend: she paid for two hours of driving before the exam in WORD at her driving school.
And that ride almost ended in disaster, due to Marta’s fault. Right after leaving WORD, Marta, turning left at the first intersection, chose the leftmost lane out of six, which meant she headed against traffic towards the bus stop.
To put it mildly, this feat did not bode well for the girl passing on her first attempt like Marys. And yet… She passed just like her friend and even made fun of her because she spent much less on the course.
How did the fates of both girls behind the wheel turn out? More on that in a moment. First, let’s answer the question of how to pass on your first attempt in the capital…
- The Lauto driving school from Warsaw explains how to prepare for the theoretical exam at WORD
Here’s how to pass your theory test on your first try:
- you should do what will be on the exam, i.e. solve tests. It is important to do it not in exam mode, but in learning mode, where we choose sets of questions ourselves and do not come across the same questions;
- it pays off to choose a good application that can indicate the reason for an incorrect answer and provide a comprehensive explanation of a given issue. In it, we will mark questions that cause us problems, and then we will return to them until we succeed;
- it is worth learning by sections. Thanks to this we will gain a comparison of similar questions. This will make learning easier, because we will understand the pattern of questions and answers;
- learning is most effective when we learn the most difficult questions. Both the most difficult and the highest scoring.
- Driving school „Lauto” from Warsaw explains how to prepare for the practical exam in WORD
Here are some helpful tips that can help you master the practice on your first try:
- when we are about to take the first exam, it is worth asking the instructor to assess our level of preparation, and then discuss with him and try to understand the mistakes from the previous lessons;
- when it is another exam, we need to analyze our last exam. Since it was very close to passing, it should be easier next time. If we learn the right lessons from failure, our chances will increase significantly;
- a good move is to schedule a single lesson to refresh your knowledge. Driving just before the WORD exam is particularly important, as it can be a good warm-up;
- let’s be honest: not everyone is properly prepared for the exam after the basic course. Sometimes more driving lessons than the required 30 hours on the road are needed. If the instructor suggests buying additional lessons, then you should probably do so to avoid failure in the WORD;
- the effectiveness of the course is influenced by regularity. It is worth remembering this just before the exam. Instead of driving every day for five days just before the exam, it is better to spread everything out in time. By devoting two to three weeks to this, we will gain: more relaxation, no pressure before the upcoming exam and time to analyze the last lessons;
- practice makes perfect. In other words: if you want to learn to drive a car, you have to drive. You can’t learn it from a textbook. To drive efficiently on Polish roads, you need more driving than the statutory 30 hours…
- Driving school „Lauto” from Warsaw explains what time of day is best to take the practical test to increase your chances of passing
Although there is no clear answer to this question, let us present some facts that may be helpful in choosing the right time for the course.
First of all, traffic is the most dynamic in the morning. This is because everyone is rushing to work. Its intensity decreases after 10:00, and also in the evening, after 19:00.
Secondly, unfortunately, little traffic is not always a plus when it comes to the WORD exam. Sometimes it is to the advantage of the students when there is more traffic.
Here are some examples of when more traffic can work to our advantage:
- a student is driving on an empty street during the exam. Unfortunately, she didn’t look at the sign, so she doesn’t know what kind of street it is: one-way or maybe two-way. She is instructed to turn left at the intersection. She didn’t choose the left lane for the turn, because it seemed to her that it was a two-way street. Meanwhile, it was a one-way street, so she should have chosen the left lane…
- The trainee was driving on an empty street and — oh my! — he didn’t notice the „STOP” sign. It was only the examiner who pressed the brake and thus ended the test. If there had been traffic at that intersection, the trainee might have noticed the cars driving and stopped in front of the thick, continuous line…
So when is the best time to take the exam? Well, when you were taking the course… This is because the student is used to the weather conditions and traffic that they had during the course, so it will be easier for them to cope with them during the exam.
- Driving school „Lauto” from Warsaw explains how to control stress before the practical exam to avoid making stupid mistakes
It’s worth being aware that stress and fear are not bad things. We all experience them. However, as the classic said: a hero differs from a coward in that he doesn’t give in to them.
So how do you deal with them? Here are some suggestions:
- conversation with a good psychologist;
- use of dietary supplements;
- eating more vegetables and less meat, potatoes and legumes;
- quitting smoking or limiting coffee drinking;
- more movement and less couch surfing;
- going to bed two hours before midnight;
- eating meals two hours before bedtime;
- turning off smartphone and computer screens two hours before bed;
- assess your chances of passing with the instructor and only then register for the exam.
- The Lauto driving school from Warsaw explains what characterizes or what students who pass their driving test on their first attempt do.
The situation is as follows: only 20% of people are ready for the WORD exam after the basic course.
Only 20% of students take the exam prepared. By prepared, we mean that the student makes only two serious mistakes per hour during the exam simulation with the instructor.
The rest of the students treat the exam like a lottery: maybe they will pass, maybe not…
What makes a student pass on their first attempt? Here are the success factors:
- great OSK and great instructors;
- good genes, natural predispositions;
- great determination in learning.
The most important factors are the first and the third. So we can say that the issue of passing a driving test is definitely up to us, our efforts and wise choices…
How to pass WORD exams on your first try?
Let’s go back to the story of the students from the first paragraph. Both girls passed on their first try… and that’s where the similarity between them ends. Namely, Marysia felt like a fish in water behind the wheel, unlike Marta.
The latter got her driver’s license and loaded the whole family into the car for their first ride together. She took her family to WORD and made the same mistake as before: she drove with them against traffic, almost causing a heart attack in her mother.
From that day on, Marta stopped driving. And it would have stayed that way, if not for Marysia, who convinced her to buy driving lessons at the „Lauto” driving school in Warsaw . Thanks to this, Marta learned to drive safely and overcame her fear of driving. Now the girl whizzes around the capital and has no problem distinguishing one-way streets from two-way ones.